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Invisalign – West Seneca, NY

Results You Can See with Aligners You Can’t


In the past, many patients we talked to about orthodontic treatment thought that smile alignment meant adolescents with a mouth full of metal. While we do traditionally recommend orthodontic treatment begin at earlier ages when teeth are easier to adjust, our Applegate Dental team offers Invisalign® in West Seneca for teens and adults to achieve their own perfectly straight smile. Contact us to schedule an orthodontic consultation to find out more.

Why Choose Applegate Dental for Invisalign?

  • Available for Both Adults and Teens
  • Putty-Free Digital Impressions
  • No Metal Braces

How Invisalign Works

smiling woman holding an Invisalign aligner

The Invisalign system utilizes a series of clear plastic alignment trays to gradually shift teeth into their ideal position. Each set of aligners represents one step closer to the desired result. Over the course of a few weeks of wear, the aligners gently put pressure on teeth causing them to glide into this new position. After the end of the predetermined wear time, patients simply exchange their current set of aligners for the next set in the series. About every six weeks, patients visit our dental office where the dentist will review their progress to ensure treatment is proceeding as planned. If not, we can easily adjust the treatment plan to get patients back on track.

Who Can Invisalign Help?

closeup of a woman’s mouth and putting in aligners

Perhaps you think Invisalign is designed to help only those making small alterations to their smiles, but the truth is that these clear aligners can be used in most mild to moderate orthodontic cases. In other words, as long as you don’t have severe misalignment, Invisalign could be the right treatment for you to achieve a perfectly straight smile. To know if you qualify for Invisalign, get in touch with us to schedule a consultation!

Crowded Teeth

When teeth don’t have sufficient space, they can overlap or even turn. As a result, plaque and food can be more difficult to get rid of, increasing the odds of decay and gum inflammation. In this situation, Invisalign can reposition teeth and make room for them to line up straight.

Gaps Between Teeth

On the other end of the spectrum, it may seem that teeth have too much space between them, allowing larger chunks of food to linger in the mouth and become breeding grounds for bacteria. Shifting these teeth, Invisalign can make sure the spacing between your teeth is appropriate for your long-term oral health.


Although your upper teeth are supposed to come in front of the lower, they shouldn’t be substantially pulled forward. Having an uneven bite can make biting and chewing challenging and wear down teeth unevenly. Invisalign’s clear aligners can be utilized to shift make the upper and lower teeth match up properly.


An underbite occurs when the upper teeth line up behind the lower ones. This arrangement, in particular, can place stress on the jaw joint as well as affect eating functions. Fortunately, Invisalign can correct mild to moderate cases of underbite.


A crossbite is basically a mixture of an overbite and underbite. Some upper and lower teeth are in front, while others are behind. Again, biting and chewing depend on teeth matching up properly to grind food for digestion, and a crossbite can interfere with these essential functions. We can address multiple issues simultaneously, which will shorten your total treatment time, compared to regular braces.

Open Bite

When your front teeth don’t touch at all, it’s considered an open bite. This becomes a problem because it impairs your ability to tear or bite into food fully. Plus, bite issues can negatively impact your appearance. As with all the others, Invisalign can fix open bites so that teeth touch where they should in order to fulfill their purpose.

Invisalign® Teen

diagram of Invisalign treatment for bite correction

In the past, it seemed like a rite of passage for teenagers to experience metal brackets and wires to straighten teeth in school, but times have changed. Did you know that Invisalign’s revolutionary clear aligners are available to not just adults but to teenagers as well? For many kids in this stage, this treatment can be life changing without interfering with their lifestyle, unlike traditional braces. For this and many other reasons, Invisalign Teen is worth considering!

How is Invisalign Teen Different?

Although very similar to the adult version, Invisalign Teen is a treatment especially designed to meet the needs of teens, who may still struggle with responsibility. To help teens stay on track, Invisalign Teen includes two distinct features.

First, tiny blue indicator dots on the aligners turn white when the aligners are worn consistently and for long periods of time. If aligners spend significant time outside the mouth, the indicator dots stay blue. As a result, parents can see at a glance whether their teen has been sticking to the program.

Second, Invisalign Teen comes with six more replacement trays at no extra charge. Unfortunately, losing aligners can be easy for adults and teens alike, but teens are more likely to forget to put them in the case during meals, potentially necessitating more replacements.

Is Invisalign Right for Your Teen?

In most cases, teens opt for the more traditional bracket and wire braces, but there are a number of situations where we may recommend Invisalign Teen including:

  • Teens who have less severe bite alignment concerns may be able to achieve their results more quickly and comfortably with fewer visits
  • Teens who are active in many extracurricular activities or who travel frequently may not be able to devote the time consistently to visiting an orthodontist for bracket and wire adjustments
  • Teens who are sensitive to metal will want to consider alternative materials for their traditional wires or the more cosmetic Invisalign® Teen
  • Teens who have sensitive teeth may be unable to comfortably correct their smiles with traditional braces
  • Teens who are more susceptible to tooth decay may not be good candidates for bracket and wire orthodontic systems that make cleaning teeth more difficult at times

The best way to know whether Invisalign Teen is right for your child is to have a consultation with our team. After an examination and discussion, we can determine which treatment would best help your teen.

The Benefits of Invisalign Teen

Invisalign Teen shares many of the same benefits as traditional Invisalign. These aligners don’t infringe on a teen’s appearance and make daily oral care easy and straightforward. With normal braces, your teen could experience soft tissue irritation, but Invisalign Teen is comfortable and smooth. Achieving results also requires much less time with Invisalign Teen than with traditional braces. In fact, treatment usually takes under 18 months!

Understanding the Cost of Invisalign

smiling woman holding Invisalign and learning about the cost of Invisalign in West Seneca

Although all Invisalign treatment involves clear aligners, it doesn’t mean that this treatment is cookie-cutter. In fact, each case is unique because every smile is unique. As a result, the cost varies from patient to patient, depending on their needs and goals, making a general estimate nearly impossible. When you meet with us in a consultation, we’ll be able to provide you with an accurate estimate of the cost of treatment.

Factors That Affect the Cost of Invisalign

woman who has undergone Invisalign in West Seneca

Before we give you a quote for Invisalign treatment, we need to take several factors into account. First, we need to know your misalignment issues and their severity. Certain problems require more time and aligners (and therefore more money) to fix than others. The cost of your treatment may also vary from based on how well you follow instructions. Those who don’t wear and care for the aligners as directed will likely need longer treatment, costing more in the long run.

Invisalign vs. Smile Direct Club™: Which Costs More?

woman holding Invisalign aligner

You may have seen commercials for “cheaper” alternatives to Invisalign. As appealing as they may seem, these options come with significant risks that they don’t talk about in their ads. For instance, you are responsible for taking your own impressions. If you make a false move or don’t follow the instructions exactly, your aligners may not fit properly. In addition, no certified professional checks in on your progress, meaning that if something goes wrong or an adjustment needs to be made to your treatment plan, you are on your own. Many times, it is better simply to work with a qualified dentist who can supervise your treatment and make sure you get the results you want the first time.

Does Dental Insurance Cover Invisalign?

dental insurance form for Invisalign

Invisalign has been around for a long time, but some dental insurance companies still do not apply to this treatment. However, many do pay a portion of the cost, reducing your out-of-pocket cost. We can take a closer look at your specific policy and let you know what is and isn’t covered so you know exactly how much you’re responsible for.

Options for Making Invisalign Affordable

patients talking about how to make Invisalign affordable

At Applegate Dental, we’re happy to offer interested patients a free Invisalign consultation. This means that we can examine the current state of your smile, create a treatment plan, and give you a price estimate all in one valuable appointment. If you would like to move forward with treatment, we can also help you apply for low-interest financing with CareCredit, which breaks down the total into smaller chunks you pay every month. As a result, you’ll likely find that Invisalign can fit into your budget!

Invisalign FAQs

patient getting answers to questions about Invisalign in West Seneca

Prior to signing up for any smile-altering treatment, you may have questions, especially if you are unfamiliar with the treatment. Our team of experts would be glad to address whatever concerns you have during an Invisalign consultation in West Seneca. To help you prepare and use this appointment as efficiently as possible, we’ve taken the time to answer some common questions below—please take a look at our responses so that we can focus on your specific case when you visit with us!

How Long Does Invisalign Treatment Take?

Although each smile has unique needs, Invisalign treatment usually requires about an average of 18 months or less to achieve the final results. Your timeline will depend on the type(s) of issues you have, how severe your misalignment is, and how well you can follow our instructions. Once we have the chance to look at the current state of your teeth, we can give you a more precise estimated timeline for correcting your smile.

Is Invisalign Treatment Painful?

Straightening teeth involves shifting them within the jawbone. Regardless of the treatment you choose, you are likely to experience at least a little discomfort; however, compared to traditional metal braces, which can scrape your lips and cheeks, the smooth plastic of Invisalign aligners make the alignment process as comfortable as possible. Not only can your soft tissues endure less pain, but your mouth may also be less sore with the aligners, helping you have a more enjoyable experience from beginning to end.

Can the Aligners Become Discolored?

Yes. The plastic used for Invisalign is designed to be perfectly clear, but it can discolor and become noticeable in the short time you wear the aligners. To keep your aligners perfectly see-through, you need to make sure you’re following our directions in terms of wear and care. You should never wear your aligners when you eat or drink anything other than water. Doing so can lead to scratches on the plastic as well as discoloration. When you’re finished, brush and floss your teeth before putting them back in. In addition, you need to clean your aligners every day by gently brushing them at night or using the cleaning crystals, which you can purchase directly from Invisalign.

What Should I Do If I Lose an Aligner?

Unfortunately, if you or your teen chooses to realign teeth with Invisalign, you run the very real risk of losing or misplacing an aligner during treatment. They are clear after all! We strongly recommend putting them in your case when they are not in your mouth to prevent this from happening, but if it does, there are a few things you can do. First, you should contact our office quickly so we can order a replacement for you. We also encourage you to hold onto your last set of aligners, just in case you need to wear them for a day or two as you wait for your replacement. If you are close to transitioning to the next set, we may instruct you to go ahead and move on and put them in.